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The Spanish AP Exam

Help with the Spanish AP Exam. The Spanish AP Exam and the Spanish Praxis are designed using the National Standards for Foreign Language Teaching and Learning in the USA. Both test students and teachers on their ability to understand authentic written and spoken Spanish. Authentic written and spoken Spanish are written and audio that are taken from sources that write for and speak to an audience who are native speakers of Spanish which are called "authentic" sources. Both tests also require the test taker to speak and write at a level that a native speaker could easily understand.

This blog has been created to provide reviewed authentic sources for students preparing to take the AP Spanish Exam and teachers preparing to take the Spanish Praxis. There is so  much material out on the Web and not all of it is good quality. You want to make sure you are getting excellent sources of writing for your reading practice and a wide variety of authentic listening materials for practice. Please don't wait until just before the test to start using these sources. You will have the most success if you try to read and listen to at least one authentic source everyday. If you are feeling really ambitious, write a summary of what you read or listened to in order to practice your writing skills while reinforcing the new vocabulary. You will need vocabulary to be in your long term memory which requires time and a lot of reading, listening, and writing.

Place my blog somewhere easy for you to access so that whenever you have a free moment you can just open up any of these excellent reviewed sources for a high quality reading / listening experience.

All of these sources have been reviewed by me personally and I would use them in my own classroom. Don't be afraid of fast authentic listening sources. Just listen several times until you get the main and supporting ideas.

Best of luck. 

Link to the College Board to learn more about the Spanish AP Exam:
