If you are preparing for the Spanish Praxis, I highly recommend you review all the free preparation materials that ETS makes available. You don't want to be learning how to take the exam during the exam. I purchased their test prep book and was glad that I did. I took it in 2012. I wish they would require testing center to provide a quiet room for each test taker because it's quite distracting to take your test while other people are taking the speaking part of their tests. I took a test in Florida for certification there, not the Praxis, and the testing center provided an individual sound proof room. That was nice! I took the Spanish Praxis at Indiana University of Pennsylvania and there were others testing and talking at the same time. Some test takers even made high pitched screeching noises as they left the room and did other bizarre discracting things during the test. If you find it hard to concentrate in such an environment, you might want to look for a testing center with a sound proof room for individual test takers. Here is the link for ETS's free and for purchase materials.